Monday, October 25, 2010

Gorgeous Carmela & Some More Pugoween Photos!!!

Hello pug people!  They call me Carmela, maybe because I'm sweet as candy.  I'm a thin girl who is trying to put on weight.  They say I'm 5 years old but my foster mom says I act and play like I'm 2 years.  I get along very well with all my foster sisters. I came to my foster home already housetrained.  My foster mom says I haven't had any accidents and of course, I want to sleep with you either on the couch or even better, on the bed.  I like to take walks.  I would do well with children too.  If you want an active dog or just a couch potato, I could do both.  Just ask for Carmela.

If you are interested in gorgeous Carmela or any of the pugs you see here, then please please please go over to our website and fill out an adoption application . If you want to take a peek at all the cutie pies please click HERE 

Our Pugoween this year was amazing!!!  Thank you to everyone that came out for it!  Here are some more photos from the event!

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